domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2009

Sangria-swilling jessies

Today's bike route was up in La Sierra (Torrelaguna) which is always a bit colder and wetter than town, but you would think we were in the middle of a hurricane by the reaction of the rest of the club. Okay it was raining and a bit windy but we'd already got all the way up there - surely we could at least try but I don't think they were ever going to be convinced. I nearly did the route on my own but I didn't know where it was so probably wouldn't have been a good idea! Instead I came home, stuck the car in the garage and went straight out to Casa de Campo for a couple of hours. As they say here "I enjoyed myself like a dwarf"! Maybe it's because I've been riding on dry dusty trails for 6 months but the mud and the puddles (including those disguised as sand) just made it all the better. I didn't want to stop but the grinding from the drivetrain told me it was time for a shower.

The situation at work hasn't really changed - I'm still in Client Service and I suspect I'll stay there as my boss won't want me to move to Planning & Buying as originally planned. CS have much more contact with the client and it's a more strategic role so in the long-term it will be better for me to stay. Having said that I don't want to stay at the company long-term but now is not the moment to be leaving and looking for something else. What do I want to do? No idea but certainly something in a smaller company than the current one - large companies seem to be unmanageable (or maybe just this one).

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